8 10 月, 2018

【公務員招聘】 能力傾向測試詳細攻略及免費試題下載

想報考2019年公務員招聘考試 CRE的你,是否已經開始準備做或搵緊模擬試題同應考攻略呢?CRE基本有中、英文運用、能力傾向測試和基本法測試,呢個章節我們收集能力傾向測試(Aptitude Test) 詳細攻略及免費試題資源給各位,助你取得佳績。

甚麼是能力傾向測試 Aptitude Test?

應徵學位或專業程度公務員職位的人士,基本需要接受4個測試,包括英文運用、中文運用、能力傾向測試和基本法測試 。而其中能力傾向測試(Aptitude Test) 目的是評核考生的推理能力,成績則分為及格或不及格,及格後成績永久有效。

考試時長45分鐘,共設35道選擇題,分演繹推理(8題)、Verbal Reasoning (English)(6題)、Numerical Reasoning(5題)、Data Sufficiency Test(8題)、Interpretation of Tables and Graphs(8題)五大部分。問題的語文除演繹推理為中文外,其餘部分皆為英文。


2018年10月6日及13日 在香港舉行




由於演繹推理/reasoning 的問題都不是容易回答的。不少考生會在此耽擱了極多的時間,而後面一些相對簡單的題目就沒有時間做。建議考生可以先做一做政府的模擬試題,知道自己做哪一部分最快,就在考試中先做那些部分。因為45分鐘答35題,時間一定會不夠,所以那些耗時較多的題目,就留在最後才做。

閱讀更多  【公務員招聘】CRE 基本法測試 (BLT) 詳細攻略及免費試題下載


1.Verbal Reasoning
“This test includes a number of short passages of text followed by statements based on the information given in the passage. You are asked to indicate whether the statements are (A) True or (B) False, or whether it is (C) Can’t Tell. In answering these questions, use only the information given in the passage and do not try and answer them in the light of any more detailed knowledge which you personally may have.”

Campus A provides well-appointed facilities and resources to students, including school bus service. However, such kind of resource is insufficient, and the buses are usually too crowded. Every morning, only eight school buses are on air with more than sixty passengers in queue. Also, the school buses are airtight-designed, making passengers feel stuffy and uncomfortable. There is no opened window at the front part of the buses and the buses have no air-conditioning system. The situation even gets poorer in the summer days. It is recommended that a better schedule should be developed, and if a bus is too crowded, the driver should stop people from boarding. Additionally, the front parts of the buses should be installed with opened windows so that fresh air can pass through.

1.Passengers feel stuffy and uncomfortable in school buses because of high temperature.


在一次案件的審訊中, 四名被告有各自的說法。被告甲: 不是我犯的案。被告乙: 是丁犯案。被告丙: 是乙犯案。被告丁: 不是甲、乙犯案。已知四人中有一人說謊, 且只有一人犯案。那麼, 誰才是罪犯?

答案是D。 假設甲說謊, 即乙、丙、丁的說法是真。但丙、丁說法有明顯衝突, 不合邏輯。 假設乙說謊, 即甲、丙、丁的說法是真。但丙、丁說法有明顯衝突, 不合邏輯。 假設丙說謊, 即甲、乙、丁的說法是真。那麼, 三人的說法均沒有衝突, 推斷丁是罪犯。 假設丁說謊, 即甲、乙、丙的說法是真。但就出現了兩個罪犯, 不符合題幹「只有一人是罪犯」。

3.Data Sufficiency
“Get to know the test, Though the test only covers arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and word problems, you will need to become familiar with how the questions are asked.”

Find the shortest distance between Town A and Town D.

(i) Town B is 2.5km eastwards from Town A.
(ii) The shortest distance between Town D and Town B is 3km.
(iii) Town C is 1.5km westwards from Town B.
(iv) Town D is at the south of Town B.


4.Numerical Reasoning

  1. 3, 4, 6, 8, __ , 24, 72, __

A.14, 84

答案是C。 第一、三、五、七…個數為第一組數列。 第二、四、六、八…個數為第二組數列。 第一組: 數列以「x2, x3, x4」之值遞增。 第二組: 數列以「x2, x3, x4」之值遞增。



Practice Aptitude Tests
Aptitude Tests – Wiki Job
Online Tests – India BIX
Job Test Prep
Aptitude-Test.com by Seliant
How to pass graduate aptitude tests – University of Kent


