
Arty Lab 致力於融藝術於教育,用繪畫、手工、攝影、戲劇等多元藝術啟發多元智能;以輕鬆有趣形式激發想像、創意、思考、好奇心等珍貴品質。這些品質的培養,常為授課填鴨式教育所忽略,甚至限制,卻是全人教育必不可少的一環。在這裡,孩子的天賦得到呵護,潛能得到開發,體驗得到拓展。學習與嬉戲的界限被打破,教育不再枯燥乏味!We facilitate learning through the ArtsThe purpose of Arty lab is to learn through the arts and to discover multiple intelligences through painting, craft, photography, drama and other artistic media, using fun and relaxing ways to awaken imagination, creativity, critical thinking, curiosity, etc.
Nowadays, people ignore this type of quality education in favour of rote learning. However, learning through the arts is an intrinsic part of a child’s well rounded development. Here at Arty Lab, talent can be nurtured, potential can be discovered and experience can be built on. Learning and playing are not mutually exclusive; learning can be fun too.

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